Yes, this is the
infamous self
hypnosis video
that got banned.
You may not
believe it after
watching it, but
this video was
actually banned
because it
Yes, this is the infamous self hypnosis video that got banned. You may not believe it after watching it, but this video was actually banned because it was said to contain inappropriate content. Enjoy it now because you never know when it may get banned again.
If you take a few moments to concentrate on this self hypnosis video, and you'll experience a pleasant level of trance. All you need to do is relax and watch the screen. If at any point you want to close your eyes to go deeper, do it.
If you'd like to learn more about hypnosis and get a free full self hypnosis mp3, visit
PS: The website appears in the video a few times only as a watermark for copyright protection, it is not a subliminal ad.
Originally collected by