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Tag results for reversal
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Results from planetayurveda (3 out of 12)
5 Star Diabetes Reversal Diet - Planet Ayurveda

This 5 Star Diabetes Reversal Diet prepared by Dr. Vikram Chauhan. This diet, if strictly followed can work wonders for a diabetic patient. It is a ba
Ulcerative Colitis Reversed with Ayurvedic Diet and Supplements

Ulcerative colitis is a autoimmune condition in which there occurs inflammation or ulceration in the parts of large intestine i.e. colon and rectum. A
Reverse Diabetes Naturally with Dr Madan Gulati - Radio Talk - 91-931-651-4157

Running in the race of modernisation and to be the first in everything, we start to take our health for granted that results in lifestyle diseases lik