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Tag results for diabetes
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Results from planetayurveda (3 out of 63)
Diabetes Treatment in Ayurveda Diabetes Natural Treatment : Herbal supplements for diabetes help to lowers the blood glucose level in the blood naturally.
Best and Worst Foods for Diabetes Diet in Diabetes Diet in diabetes includes good and worst foods for a diabetic person. Diabetes is well managed with re
How Diabetes can be Treated in Ayurveda -Dr Madan Gulati

Diabetes has become a major problem these days. In this video, we have Dr. Madan Gulati with us who had retired as a deputy director from Ayush Depart
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New health benefits Maple Syrup from Canada Current

Studies presented at the 2011 American Chemical Society meeting found maple syrup from Canada may be the next champion food. Maple syrup has 54 anti-o