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Tag results for beheaded
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Results from LiveLeak (3 out of 4)
LiveLeakcom Is This Girl Beheading Her Doll During for Practise or Ridicule

Video has emerged of a little girl beheading a doll, dressed in Muslim clothing, allegedly as part of a training video, or showcasing her willingness
LiveLeakcom Beheaded Body With Flies and Hornets Eating it

One of the many beheaded nightly kills my cat drags home. Look at the flies and hornets working side by side peacefully! !
LiveLeakcom Close Up Of A Recent Saudi Beheading By Sword Warning Graphic

A rarely filmed close up of a Saudi beheading, the executioner is bothered by the squirting blood getting onto his immaculate white robe and makes a q
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LiveLeakcom - 50 Soldiers Beheaded And Their Heads Put On Poles

50 soldier's of Syria's 417 Division were beheaded and their heads put on poles.